Pelejä 5G-nopeudella: 5G julkiseen koekäyttöön Pietarissa – Nokian laitteet taustalla

Moskova/Pietari, 18. elokuuta 2020, — Beeline, Nokia ja Qualcomm Technologies ovat avanneet 5G-verkon pilottikäyttöön SevKabelissa Pietarin satama-alueella. Huippunopean mobiiliverkon pilottikäyttäjät voivat kokeilla 5G:n ominaisuuksia pelaamalla virtuaalitodellisuus- tai verkkopelejä Beeline Gaming -pilvipalvelun kautta.

Kyseessä on ensimmäinen kerta, kun Beelinen rakentama 5G-verkko on pitkäkestoisessa, kuluttajille avoimessa koekäytössä. Beelinen pilottiverkko on rakennettu Nokian laitteistojen varaan. Käytössä on muun muassa Nokian järjestelmämoduuli, 5G AirScale -antennijärjestelmä sekä 5G/WiFi-reitittimet, joiden sisuksista löytyy Qualcomm Snapdragon X55 5G Modem-RF -tekniikka. 5G-verkon ominaisuuksien esittelyä varten Beeline sai väliaikaisen poikkeusluvan käyttää mmWave-taajuusaluetta (26–28 GHz).

Beelinen Pietariin rakentamalla pelialueella käyttäjät voivat kokeilla Beeline Gaming -pilvipalvelussa tarjolla olevia pelejä joko pilotin järjestäjien tietokoneilla, tableteilla ja kännyköillä tai omilla laitteillaan. Verkkopelaaminen on yksi teknologisesti vaativimpia kuluttajaviihteen alueita. 5G-verkko tekee verkosta niin vakaan ja nopean, että pelien pelaaminen sujuu nopeudella, joka on aiemmin ollut saavutettavissa vain langallisilla yhteyksillä.

Lue lisää englanninkielisestä tiedotteesta.


Games at 5G speed: citizens of St. Petersburg will have a month to test 5G Beeline communications

Moscow/St. Petersburg, August 17, 2020, — Beeline, Nokia, and Qualcomm Technologies Inc have launched a 5G pilot network at SevKabel Port in St. Petersburg today. Attendees will have the chance to test the capabilities of 5G networks by playing a virtual reality or online game from the Beeline Gaming cloud service.

This will be the first long-running 5G pilot network from Beeline in St. Petersburg with general availability for consumers. Beeline’s pilot network is deployed using Nokia’s commercial equipment, including the system module and 5G AirScale antenna systems and a 5G/WiFi router (CPE*) powered by the Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ X55 5G Modem-RF System. For its demonstration of 5G networks capabilities in Saint Petersburg Beeline received a temporary exemption to use the mmWave band (26-28 GHz).

5G Beeline Gaming area

In the 5G Beeline Gaming area, users will have the chance to play their favorite network games from the Beeline Gaming cloud service on laptops, tablets or smartphones; alternatively, they can use their own devices. All the smartphones will be able to access the 5G network using a 5G Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) WiFi router when laptops, monitors and game consoles will be able to access to Beeline broadband network. More than 500 exacting and mainstream games are available in the service – some of them are available for free.

Online gaming is one of the most demanding entertainment areas in terms of technology. Low latency and high data transfer rates are among most important success factors for many games. Cloud gaming service Beeline Gaming based on GeForce NOW by NVIDIA allows to run modern demanding games with ultra-settings** on any device (even outdated) thanks to using powerful remote servers. 5G networks provide the stability and speed that enables such gameplay, which has previously only been attainable through the use of wired networks.

For comfortable cloud gaming, you need the high data transfer speed and low latency enabled by 5G. With Beeline Gaming and 5G, there is no need to purchase a costly powerful computer to play or consume any heavy content online. You can use any device.

5G VR Gaming area

In the 5G VR Gaming area, players will be able to fight each other in virtual space. The shooter game created by a District Zero Studios’ team will run in multi-player PvP (player vs player) mode for free-moving players.

Latest generation Oculus Quest virtual glasses for multi-player scenarios, combined with the latest Beeline wireless network technologies, integrated by District Zero Studios|OVRPOWER team*** take players to the virtual world where some scenes recreate Beeline area at SevKabel Port venue. This technological combination gives players a deeply immersive experience that allows free movement without inconvenient wires and bulky equipment.

The equipment will be connected to 5G networks and help players to get a new user experience by showcasing the benefits of newly available technologies, such as high data transfer speed and low latency which are enabled by 5G.

Low latency is one of the key benefits of 5G networks in the virtual reality world. The main challenge for players of active VR games is unpleasant vestibular sensations when the image presented in the glasses along with its response to user’s actions lags behind their real-time movements. Using 5G allows totally avoid this situation by leveraging low latency networks to completely synchronize a players actions with the images and responses in the game.

Valery Shorzhin, Executive Vice President for Technological Development, Beeline:

«Beeline continues to test the capabilities of 5G networks in various Russian cities. We are launching our first long term 5G pilot network in Saint Petersburg to give customers the ability to experience the benefits of the new network standard using real Beeline products. Gaming is one of the most popular forms of entertainment among our clients making full use of 5G’s network benefits».

Yulia Klebanova, Vice President of Business Development, QUALCOMM Europe, Inc.:

«5G mmWave technology will deliver significant consumer benefits and is a revolution in mobile connectivity. Not only does it deliver huge improvements to download speeds, but also it significantly reduces latency allowing online, multiplayer, interactive gaming experiences that were not previously possible on mobile devices. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 5G Mobile Platform has everything users need to get a new quality of gaming experience, including HDR video, fast rendering, and Snapdragon X55 5G Modem-RF System».

Demetrio Russo, Vice-President Nokia in East Europe:

«We are delighted to partner with Beeline in this new project to test 5G in Russia and showcase how 5G capabilities can enable a wide range of exciting new services. Our Nokia 5G AirScale solution provides market-leading 5G experiences to subscribers with ultra-fast data speeds, ultra-low latency, and a new level of connectivity. It will enable incredible new services in areas such as gaming, virtual and augmented reality, unmanned transport, medicine, media and many others. Nokia offers its comprehensive portfolio of solutions, expertise and delivery capabilities to deploy 5G worldwide and in Russia enabling a huge potential of 5G for business and consumers».

George Held, Executive Vice President for digital and new business development, Beeline:

«Right now Beeline Gaming gives an access to computer games for everyone. We are happy to provide our customers with new opportunities to play modern requested games in the simplest way, without regular equipment upgrade and significant financial costs. We made available playing games for millions people.

With 5G technologies the process of gaming will be more perfect. More and more customers using devices with installed Beeline Gaming service will get quality mobile connectivity enough for convenient gaming any place and any time».

About SevKabel Port venue:

* Wi-Fi роутер (CPE), Customer Premises Equipment – subscriber equipment
** This is according to the requirements of games launched in 2020.
*** Beeline partners in VR and AR projects for 5G networks

About PJSC VimpelCom

PJSC Vimpelcom operating under Beeline brand is a part of VEON group, a NASDAQ and Euronext Amsterdam-listed global provider of connectivity and internet services, headquartered in Amsterdam

For more information, contact:

External communications, PJSC VimpelCom
Tatiana Shilovskaya, Anna Aibasheva