Qualcomm esitteli uuden Snapdragon 888 5G -lippulaivapiirisarjan huikeaa suorituskykyä

Tulokset todistavat piirisarjan loistavan suorituskyvyn kaikilla mittareilla

Helsinki — 18. joulukuuta 2020 — Qualcomm Technologies on esitellyt hiljattain julkistetun Snapdragon 888 5G -piirisarjan huikeaa suorituskykyä ajamalla sillä useita alalla tunnettuja suorituskykytestejä. Snapdragon 888 sisältää koko joukon innovatiivisia ominaisuuksia tietoliikenneyhteyksissä, tekoälyssä, peliominaisuuksissa sekä kamerateknologiassa. Uuteen piirisarjaan perustuvia loppukäyttäjätuotteita on tulossa markkinoille alkuvuonna 2021.

Qualcomm Technologiesin arvion mukaan keinotekoiset suorituskykymittaukset arvioivat vain osan todellisista käyttötapauksista ja epäonnistuvat luomaan kokonaisvaltaisen kuvan Snapdragonin mahdollistamista kokemuksista, joihin kuuluvat liitettävyys, valokuvaus, videokuvaus, ääni, akkukesto, latausnopeus ja paljon muuta. Vallitsevien poikkeusolosuhteiden vuoksi kolmannen osapuolen tutkijat eivät päässeet Snapdragonin viimeisimmän lippulaivamallin referenssikokoonpanon kimppuun, joten Qualcomm toteutti testit omatoimisesti järjestelmälle, suorittimelle, grafiikkapiirille sekä tekoälylle, ja kuvasi testeistä videon.

Jokainen mittaus ajettiin Snapdragon 888 -referenssikokoonpanolla kolmeen kertaan, ja lopputulos on kolmen testikierroksen keskiarvo. Mittaukset suoritettiin Snapdragon 888 -referenssikokoonpanon oletusasetuksilla, mikä on paras keino saavuttaa todellinen päivittäistä käyttöä vastaava tasapaino suorituskyvyn ja virrankulutuksen välillä.

Lue lisää ja katso testitulostaulukko alla olevasta englanninkielisestä tiedotteesta.

Video mittauksista sekä tiedot referenssikokoonpanosta löytyvät täältä: https://allisonpr.box.com/s/vt3yokewi87t5zj0fmch85pielub0xz9

Mediayhteydet: qualcomm@kaikuhelsinki.fi


Qualcomm Showcases Leading Performance on New Flagship Snapdragon 888 5G Mobile Platform

—Results Highlight Superior Performance Across System-Level, CPU, Graphics, and AI Synthetic Benchmarks—

SAN DIEGO — December 18, 2020

What’s New: Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. demonstrated leading performance on the new flagship Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 888 5G Mobile Platform through a series of synthetic industry benchmark tests. Snapdragon 888 packs industry-leading mobile innovations in 5G, artificial intelligence (AI), gaming, and camera technologies that will transform premium mobile devices coming in early 2021.

Snapdragon 888 Performance: Snapdragon 888 packs in major architectural advances. It is manufactured using the most advanced 5nm process technology, allowing breakthrough performance and superior power efficiency. The Qualcomm® Kryo™ 680 generates up to a 25% uplift in overall CPU performance compared to the previous generation and allows top frequencies of up to 2.84GHz. It is also the first commercial CPU subsystem to be based on the Arm Cortex-X1. The Qualcomm® Adreno™ 660 GPU achieves its biggest performance leap yet, delivering up to 35% faster graphics rendering compared to the previous generation. To address feedback from OEMs, Adreno 660 GPU was specifically designed to allow for flexibility and higher power in gaming phones with a larger thermal envelope or sustained use cases in flagship devices. Each OEM can choose to select the optimal operating point for their design. The completely re-designed 6th generation Qualcomm® AI Engine with the new Qualcomm® Hexagon™ 780 processor delivers a combined 26 TOPS, a 73% increase vs previous generation that results in industry-leading AI inferencing performances while also improving in power efficiency up to three times versus previous generation.

Benchmarking Methodology: Qualcomm Technologies’ long-standing perspective on synthetic benchmarks results is that they only measure a subset of use cases and fail to capture the wide array of experiences enabled by Snapdragon, including connectivity, photography, videography, audio, battery life and charging speeds, and more. Due to the current environment, third party device reviewers were unable to have hands-on access to the latest premium tier Snapdragon reference design. Therefore, Qualcomm Technologies has collated the results across select industry benchmarks testing system, CPU, GPU and AI use cases, and put together a short video to detail the process. Each benchmark was run on a Snapdragon 888 reference design and the subsequent scores are the average result across three iterations. All benchmarks were run using default settings on the Snapdragon 888 reference design, which is recommended to deliver the best balance between performance and power consumption for user’s typical day-to-day use.

What’s Next: Commercial devices based on Snapdragon 888 are expected to be available in Q1 2021. Benchmark results may vary between the Snapdragon 888 reference design and future commercial devices due to differences in performance settings, storage components, display refresh rates, timing of software updates, and more.

More Information: https://www.qualcomm.com/products/snapdragon-888-5g-mobile-platform

About Qualcomm

Qualcomm is the world’s leading wireless technology innovator and the driving force behind the development, launch, and expansion of 5G.  When we connected the phone to the internet, the mobile revolution was born.  Today, our foundational technologies enable the mobile ecosystem and are found in every 3G, 4G and 5G smartphone. We bring the benefits of mobile to new industries, including automotive, the internet of things, and computing, and are leading the way to a world where everything and everyone can communicate and interact seamlessly.

Qualcomm Incorporated includes our licensing business, QTL, and the vast majority of our patent portfolio. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated, operates, along with its subsidiaries, substantially all of our engineering, research and development functions, and substantially all of our products and services businesses, including our QCT semiconductor business.

*Results not verified by MLPerf


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Qualcomm Snapdragon, Qualcomm Kryo, Qualcomm Hexagon, Qualcomm AI Engine, and Qualcomm Adreno are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.